September 22, 2012

Part One- Freezer meals in the making

Thanks to Pinterest, I was able to find some great freezer meals to make! I'm so beyond excited to begin this, especially since the only meal I've ever truly frozen is spaghetti sauce. I don't know about you, but my evenings are pretty busy between making dinner, playing with Mimi, helping pick up the house and hanging with the hubs.... I'm wearing myself out!
I decided to make freezer meals that either go directly into the crock pot or into the oven directly from the freezer. I went to the store today and purchased 90% of the foods I need- or $181 worth. Sounds like a lot, but the goal is to get anywhere from 10 to 20 meals out of this, so overall it's not so bad. I then went to Trader Joe's and got the remaining $40 worth (not pictured here)

Sorry about the horrible photo!
Hopefully they turn out delicious! I'm prepping/freezing them tomorrow..... more pics to follow! :)

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